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birds of prey

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)

Peregrine Falcon by Neil O'Reilly via Flickr

The peregrine falcon is undoubtedly one of Ireland’s most impressive birds. A large, powerful falcon it is considered by many to be the ultimate bird-of-prey, diving in a spectacular, vertical stoop to strike its quarry – other birds – in mid air. The peregrine is thought to reach speeds of….

How do you lose something that big?

Stellar's sea eagle

A Stellar’s sea eagle called Nikita has gone missing in the Yorkshire Dales in England. The female bird, which is one of the world’s largest bird of prey species with a wingspan of 2.4 metres (8ft), went missing from her home at the Hawk Experience in Settle on Saturday. Her….

Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)

Sparrowhawk portrait Ireland's Wildlife

Fast and agile, the sparrowhawk is a supremely capable aerial predator. This fierce-looking bird is one of our most common and widespread raptors, and is found throughout the country. However its shy and secretive nature means that it often goes undetected. Sparrowhawks are medium-sized birds, with a body length of….

Awesome peregrine falcon photograph

Peregrine Falcon by Neil O'Reilly via Flickr

Check out this AMAZING Peregrine Falcon photograph posted to the Ireland’s Wildlife group on Flickr by Neil O’Reilly. A more than worthy shot to kick off our regular Wednesday “Wildlife Photograph of the Week” slot. Photograph  All rights reserved by Neil O’Reilly If you’d like to see one of your photographs featured in….

Irish red kite breeds successfully in County Wicklow

Red Kite (Milvus milvus)

An Irish-hatched red kite has successfully reared a brood of young in Ireland for the first time in almost 200 years. The male bird was hatched in Ireland  in 2010 to Welsh “donor” parents released as part of the red kite reintroduction project coordinated by the Golden Eagle Trust. This….

Shocking “live bait” poisoning of buzzards in Rosscrea

The appalling practice of poisoning birds of prey in rural Ireland continues, and took an even more sinister twist recently according to last week’s Birdwatch Ireland eWings newsletter. Ireland’s largest conservation NGO revealed that volunteers monitoring buzzards near the Offaly / Tipparary border found live pigeons laced with poison and….

Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus)

A majestic hawk soaring over the wildlife and nature of Ireland.

The languid flight of the hen harrier, gliding with wings held in its characteristic shallow V, has become a rare sight in Ireland. Historically one of our most persecuted birds of prey, the hen harrier’s habit of taking free-range domestic fowl (which led to the bird’s common name) did little….