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How to watch Basking Sharks

A basking shark off the West Cork Coast

“Shark-infested waters” isn’t a term you normally associate with the Irish coastline, yet in late spring and early summer the Irish coast is one of the best places in Europe to see one of the world’s largest sharks.The basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) is the largest fish in the North Atlantic, and second largest….

Making the most of Spring Migration

Grasshopper Warbler

Spring migration is an exciting time of year for birding in Ireland.During this relatively brief window from early April until the end of May birds are on the move. There’s a changing of the guard as our winter visitors, like waders, ducks, winter thrushes and the occasional exotic visitor like….

Watching Whales, Dolphins and Basking Sharks

A brace of fin whales on the surface with the West Cork coast in the background

Two of our most popular articles here on Ireland’s Wildlife are features on How to Watch Basking Sharks and How to Watch Whales and Dolphins. Ireland’s marine wildlife is showcasing in an incredible two-part documentary, “Ireland’s Deep Atlantic”, at the moment as part of RTÉ’s Our Wild Island series of programmes….

How to see more wildlife

Guided wildlife watching

There’s something a little bit special about a wildlife encounter. It taps into a childlike sense of wonder that all too often remains hidden beneath our sensible adult facade. For a brief moment we’re transported to a simpler, more natural world, and reminded of how we fit into it. It’s….

How to watch whales and dolphins

Whales and dolphins are an exciting part of Ireland’s wildlife. As an island nation perched on the edge of the north east Atlantic we have some of the best whalewatching in Europe right on our doorstep. This in depth feature will help you spot whales and dolphins around the Irish….

Fantastic tips on wildlife film-making with your smartphone from the BBC

Shoot amazing wildlife video on your smartphone

The BBC Natural History Unit is widely acknowledged as the best wildlife film-making department in the world. We’ve all seen the amazing footage they capture while creating some of the most iconic wildlife programmes ever made. But of course those shots demand professional cameramen and some of the most expensive high-tech video gadgetry on the market…….