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Featured Wildlife Content

Corncrake Crex crex
Figures from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) confirm that the red-listed Corncrake has had its most successful Irish breeding season in 25 years with 233 confirmed breeding territories. The 2024 figure represents a 45% increase since 2018.The ground-nesting corncrake is a shy and elusive summer visitor that spends....
A close-up of a Panasonic Lumix G9II camera held by a hand, with a blurred green grass background.
I've been using the superb Panasonic Lumix G9 Micro-four-thirds camera for my wildlife photography since I reviewed it here on the site back in 2018, not long after its release. It was... and indeed still is... a fantastic camera for wildlife. With the announcement of the Lumix G9II in late....

Wildlife Features

In this feature, the second in our four-part series on beginning birdwatching, we take a look at your garden birds, your local patch, and how....
Irish pine marten populations recovering
There are two squirrel species found in Ireland.  The native red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, and the invasive North American grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis.  In Ireland,....
Great Spotted Woodpecker in flight
Over the last five years woodland on Ireland’s east coast has started to reverberate with the drumming of a very welcome blow-in. This feature documenting....
Quercus Oak Bird Feeders
What do you buy the wildlife enthusiast or nature lover for Christmas? It's a conundrum faced by partners, families and friends every year. You'd think it....