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Ireland’s Wildlife Features

Wildlife Portfolio: Sarah Corner

Male Merling Sarah Corner

In this instalment of our Wildlife Portfolio series we introduce the work of wildlife artist Sarah Corner. To view larger images in slideshow format click on one of the thumbnails in the portfolio below. If you’re a wildlife photographer or wildlife artist and would like us to consider your work for….

Re-introducing wolves to Ireland: could we? Should we?

European grey wolf

Centuries ago wolves roamed the wilds of Ireland. In this full-length feature Ireland’s Wildlife contributor Dan Lettice, explores whether or not, one day, they could do so again….   Wolves in Ireland: the background The grey wolf, Canis lupis, was once reasonably common in Ireland and existed on all parts of the Island. The….

Conserving Ireland’s Seas: The Marine and Coastal Protection Areas of Ireland initiative

Ireland's Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Initiative

Looking after Ireland’s marine environment should be a massive priority for the Irish government, not just because of EU directives and potential sanctions, or the very obvious benefits to our rich coastal biodiversity, but also for moral, social and economic reasons. Peter Green of the Marine and Coastal Protection Areas of Ireland….

Australia’s “Top End”: a wetland wildlife wonderland

Azure Kingfisher, NT Australia

Awe, tempered with a healthy dose of apprehension. That’s the only way to describe a close encounter with a large saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). Saltwater or estuarine crocodiles, or plain old “Salties” as they’re called in local vernacular, are the largest reptile species on earth, with males routinely exceeding 4 metres in length, and some specimens reaching….

Exploring the urban jungle

Rook -- Ireland's most common crow

Join Ireland’s Wildlife contributor Albert Nolan as he discovers the hidden wildlife gems of Limerick city. Cities like Limerick are havens for a surprising array of wildlife (image via Wikimedia Commons) The pleading calls of my kids tug at my heart strings as I slip into my walking gear. I see the window of the house….

Humpback heaven in Kalbarri, Western Australia

Humpback whale Kalbarri

“Get ready to hold on,” skipper Ayden Curic yelled from the bridge as he gunned the engines and the boat surged into the aquatic maelstrom. At the point where Western Australia’s second largest river, the Murchison, collides with the crashing breakers of the Indian ocean sits the quiet little town of….

Wildlife watching and travel — back to basics

Using the Vanguard Endeavor EDII

Watching wildlife when travelling can be an exhilarating experience, but it can also be challenging. In this feature IW Founder, Calvin Jones, takes a look at some of those challenges, and how you can overcome them on your next wildlife trip.   For any wildlife enthusiast one of the real highlights of….

Are Irish badgers a distinct subspecies?

Undoubtedly one of the biggest wildlife issues in Ireland and Britain over the last few years has been the role of badgers (Meles meles) in the transmission of TB to cattle and the subsequent culling efforts to curtail the disease. This has understandably led to public outcry over this culling….

Wildlife Portfolio: William Helps

Pike in Cover by William Helps

In this instalment of our Wildlife Portfolio series we take a look at the work of William Helps, a wildlife artist based in Rosscarbery in Co. Cork. Click on any of the images in the portfolio below to open up a larger version and scroll through the gallery. About William Helps….

Wildlife Portfolio: Phil Pound

In this first in a new series of posts featuring the work of some of Ireland’s best wildlife photographers we look at the winning portfolio of West Cork photographer Phil Pound, who won the prestigious “Best Wildlife Portfolio” and “Best Single Wildlife Image” in the 2104 Irish Professional Photographers Association….

Friends in high places: red squirrels, grey squirrels and pine martens

Irish pine marten populations recovering

There are two squirrel species found in Ireland.  The native red squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, and the invasive North American grey squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis.  In Ireland, the UK and Italy the grey squirrel threatens the survival of the red squirrel as the effects of competition and disease from grey squirrels almost….

The history of the Red Squirrel in Ireland

Red Squirrel in Co. Waterford, Ireland

The red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is one of our most charismatic species, found in woodlands in many parts of Ireland and is an animal that warms the hearts of those lucky enough to observe it. In recent years the decline of the red squirrel has been associated with the spread….