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Whale Watch Ireland 2015

On Sunday 23 August, as part of Heritage Week 2015, the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group is hosting its annual shore-based all-Ireland whale-watching event, Whale Watch Ireland. Taking place at 20 land-based vantage points around the coast of the Island of Ireland, the event aims to raise awareness of the 24 species….

Rare beluga whale sighting off Antrim coast

A rare beluga whale, a species usually only found in Arctic and sub-arctic waters, was captured on camera off the Antrim coastline late last week.   This is the first confirmed report of this rare cetacean in Irish waters since the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) started keeping systematic sightings records in 1991 and….

Humpback whale wows onlookers at Inchydoney

Inchydoney beach, near Clonakilty in West Cork, is one of the undisputed jewels along Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way. This outstanding blue flag beach draws visitors from far and wide, but earlier this week it was a visitor of a different kind that was getting all the attention. The sandy bottom in….

Why you should visit a dead whale

Stranded Sperm Whale Carcass, Fermoyle

In this guest post marine biology student Sean O’Callaghan, a keen cetacean enthusiast and admin of the popular Kerry’s Wild Side page on Facebook, explores some of the benefits of visiting a dead whale. Visiting a dead whale may appear on the surface to be a morbid proposition, but there are many….

Resident killer whales could die out due to pollution

Killer Whales in Ireland under threat from marine pollution

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) has expressed concern that Ireland’s only resident group of killer whales (Orcinus orca) could be dying out due to the long term effects of marine pollution. Known as the Scottish west coast community group, the killer whale pod is the only known resident pod….

Female killer whale washed up in Co. Waterford

Stranded Killer Whale Ireland

The unusual stranding of a 5 metre female killer whale on the beach at Saleen, near Tramore in Co. Waterford on Friday (30/01/2015) has been in the news this weekend. The whale, which was dead when it washed up, was said to be in “very fresh condition”, according to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG). The whale’s teeth were very….

New humpback whale off Irish south coast

Humpback whale HBIRL29

A new humpback whale for Irish waters has been added to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group’s (IWDG) photo-id catalogue for the species. West Cork whale watching operator Colin Barnes of Cork Whale Watch found the lone humpback during an afternoon whale watching trip out of Reen Pier near Union Hall.  According to….

IWDG calls for clarity following Donegal live stranding

Dead Pilot Whale

In the wake of the unfortunate live stranding of 13 long-finned pilot whales in Co. Donegal last week, The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) — a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to whale and dolphin research and conservation — has called for clarity from state agencies in terms of which authority has responsibility for managing….

Pilot whales strand on Donegal beach

Pilot Whales Donegal

Four of thirteen pilot whales that stranded overnight on a beach in Co. Donegal have died. The other nine have been successfully re-floated by a local rescue effort that involved up to 100 people at its peak according to reports. The whales were spotted on Ballyness beach at Falcarragh, Co Donegal at 8am….

National Whale Watching event on Sunday 18th August

As part of National Heritage Week 2013 the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) is hosting its annual shore-based whale watching event, Whale Watch Ireland 2013. The event takes place on Sunday 18 August 2013 between 2pm and 5pm at 16 headlands around the Irish coast (see details below). It’s….

Special Deal on Whale Watching Weekend

IWDG Cape Clear Whale Watching Course

In true “” style, the IWDG is offering Ireland’s Wildlife readers a special one-off discount of €10 off the normal €90 course fee for this weekend’s Summer Whale Watching Course on Cape Clear Island off the West Cork coast. Hey… that’s MORE THAN 10% OFF! The course offers a fantastic opportunity….

IWDG expresses concern over dolphin by-catch

Common dolphins risk bycatch in fishing gear

The Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) has expressed concern at the possibility of what it describes as a “significant bycatch” of dolphins in Irish waters by foreign fishing vessels. Autopsy results on five of a group of 13 common dolphins that washed up dead in Co. Mayo in late….