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fin whale

Lunge-feeding Fin Whale caught on camera by drone

Fin Whale Aerial Shot

On a trip with West Cork based whale watching operator Cork Whale Watch last week, drone pilot and Ocean Research & Conservation Ireland (ORCIreland) Observer Greg Coleman captured some astonishing aerial footage of a gigantic Fin Whale lunge feeding through bait balls created by Short-beaked Common Dolphins (see the ORCIreland….

Eagles and Fin Whales star on Ireland’s Wild South Coast

White-tailed Eagle: Wildlife Holidays in Ireland

The best part of being a wildlife guide on Ireland’s south coast is being able to share the incredible wildlife of this stunning stretch of coastline with people from Ireland and around the world. It’s fantastic to see people’s reactions when they see for themselves why we call this Europe’s….

Why you should visit a dead whale

Stranded Sperm Whale Carcass, Fermoyle

In this guest post marine biology student Sean O’Callaghan, a keen cetacean enthusiast and admin of the popular Kerry’s Wild Side page on Facebook, explores some of the benefits of visiting a dead whale. Visiting a dead whale may appear on the surface to be a morbid proposition, but there are many….

West Cork Whale Watching: Front Page News

A humpback whale breaches alongside a botat in West Cork (c) Simon Duggan

Whale watching in West Cork is in the news again after this incredible shot made the front page of several national newspapers today. A humpback breaching off the West Cork Coast (c) Simon Duggan, All Rights Reserved It is a once-in-a-lifetime moment captured by whale watcher and long time Irish Whale and….

West Cork fin whales as they should be seen

Fin whale surfacing off the West Cork coast

  After the traumatic events and harrowing images of the  last few days I thought I’d post a few photographs of  healthy fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) off the West Cork coast. This is how they look at their best:  

Baltimore whale stranding: a good news story?

Padraig Whooley of the IWDG offering interpretation of the whale stranding in Baltimore

I was getting settled at my desk yesterday morning, pondering what to write for my Irish Independent wildlife column, when the phone beeped. It was a message from Padraig Whooley, sightings coordinator with the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, telling me that a suspected fin whale had live-stranded in Baltimore,….

Fin whale stranding in Baltimore

A fin whale live stranded in Baltimore, West Cork this morning. The whale, an adult estimated to be between 45-50 foot long, was spotted in the harbour by locals early this morning. It live stranded in shallow water between the pantoon and the pier. By mid morning the whale had….

Fin whales make late move west along Ireland’s coast

Fin whales are being reported regularly off the coasts of East Cork and West Cork again at what is now “traditionally” the end of the large whale season off the Irish south coast. According to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group Irish fin whales typically arrive off West Cork in….

Whales, dolphins, sharks and more off West Cork

“This is a research charter, not a pleasure cruise,” cautioned Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) sightings coordinator, Padraig Whooley as we boarded the boat. “We’re not stopping for anything under forty tonnes!” As the Holly Jo slipped out of Reen Pier the anticipation on board was palpable. IWDG researchers….

Large whales move inshore off Co. Cork

Upwards of 30 fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) have been spotted in inshore waters off the coast of Co. Cork according to reports submitted to the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) over the last two days. The move inshore by these oceanic giants follows a series of off-shore sightings by….

Iceland suspends fin whale hunt

According to reports from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) Iceland’s fin whale hunt is on indefinite hold this year. Reports indicate that the Hvalur Whaling Company will make 30 staff redundant as the country’s controversial whaling industry continues it’s slow but steady decline. Kristjan Loftsson, CEO of Hvalur….

Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus)

Fin whale surfacing off the West Cork coast

Fin whales are regular visitors to Ireland’s coastal waters and can sometimes be spotted from coastal promontories especially in the south west of the country. These spectacular animals are the second largest creatures on earth. With a maximum length of 24 metres (80 feet) and an estimated maximum weight approaching….