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Hop to it: report your Irish frog sightings

Hop To It Irish Frog SurveyTo mark World Wetlands Day on Thursday the 2 February the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC) is launching its annual ‘Hop To It Frog Survey’.  The survey helps the IPCC to map the distribution and habitat preferences of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria), Ireland’s most widespread and familiar amphibian species.

To do that they need help… and they’re calling on local wildlife enthusiasts from across the country all over country to send in records of their frog spawn, tadpoles, froglets and adult frogs.

One of the best places to start searching for frogs, says the IPCC, is in garden ponds.

“This man-made habitat will probably become increasingly important in future years, as the natural and wild habitats of the frog are lost to drainage and development,” said the organisation.

February and March are the peak times for frog spawning, although spawning can occur in January or even earlier in the south of the country if the temperature is mild enough, as has already been happening this year.

Since the first Hop To It frog survey in 1997, the IPCC has received more than 4,200 records. Although frogs are in decline worldwide, due to factors like habitat destruction, pollution and infectious disease, the results of the survey to date show that the Common Frog is widespread throughout the island of Ireland with 40% of records occurring in garden ponds.

The survey team is particularly keen to get frog records from counties that have been poorly represented in previous years: the six counties of Northern Ireland, Laois, Carlow and Leitrim.

The IPCC stresses that monitoring frog populations in this way is vital, and describes frogs as “barometers of environmental health” in wetland habitats. To check out where frogs have been found in your county before, or to download your survey card visit or you can get them directly from the IPCC, Bog of Allen Nature Centre, Lullymore, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, Tel 045-860133


  • Geoff O'Connor

    For the past 3 years or more I take a daily walk on the royal canal between the Enfield Bridge and just past the aqueduct to the 4km mark. I rarely see frogs at all and never in the canal. In fact I can only remember seeing one prior to this year in the ditch.
    This year between the 2Km mark and the aqueduct I’ve come across 3 dead frogs on the path at a rate of about 1 a month. The fourth one yesterday I passed at about the 2Km mark on the way out. It was on its back and I assumed was dead. On my return an hour later the frog had somehow revived, righted itself and was struggling to move. It was moving more like a toad, each limb separately and was unable to hop, then he toppled on his back again. I righted the frog but I assume he was dying.
    I realise this may be normal, but for my 2Km patch it seems statically significant. There are lots of other unaffected wildlife around, it just seemed very odd . .

  • I found a frog in my garden during the heat wave we never seen them here before we live in Dundrum dublin

  • BRID Muldowney

    saw a large number of tadpoles in a pond on my brothers land in co leitrim last week.The date was March 30 2021.

  • Spotted a fairly sizeable frog in our back garden when cleaning up leaves back in November. Left the leaves and spotted (I’m presuming) the same frog again a couple of weekends ago. We don’t have a pond and our garden is enclosed (with concrete walls around it) so not sure how it will get out if it needs to?

  • Hi I had a frog in my garden around 6 weeks ago and we brought him to a pond area in a park near where we live,then this evening there was another frog,brown in colour,in my garden,not sure where they’re coming feom as there’s no pond in the garden,but lots of fruit trees and shrubbery too.In Dublin 15.

  • Made a small garden pond at bottom of garden , county Sligo , see a frog hiding in there now .

  • We hiked in Burren National Park today and saw an Irish frog on the top of Mullaghamore Mountain (190m)in the tall grass at the top. Its been raining for a while, puddles all around, and the frog seemed to agree with us that it was a good day to summit the mountain. Grand to know that they are still around and adventuring! Mike from Washington State, USA.

  • Hi I saw a small frog in the long grass just off a small stream in Castletown

  • Izzy Keogh

    While cutting the grass yesterday a dozen or more what appeared to be tiny grass frogs. All tan/ grey green in colour, all approx. 0.5 inches – cool little critters.
    Are these guys native to our shores, I can only fine references to these guys in Florida habitats.

    • A

      Hi Izzy — we only have common frogs here in Ireland — the frogs you’re talking about are likely to be youngsters relatively recently emerged from a nearby pond or ditch and about to disperse into the wider world. I hope they escaped the mower :-).

  • I saw a small tan/orange frog in poly tunnel in allotment in Malahide. Still there on day two.

  • kieran millerick

    Seen a frog in barnfield ballymacoda county cork near a river

  • Maggie Browne

    have come across two frogs so far today, in my garden in Dundrum County Tipperary

  • I caught two common frogs in a water feature in Ballsbridge, D4, I plan on depositing them in the Dodder.

  • Derek Fortune

    We seen a beautiful
    little small frog in the garden whilst cutting the grass in celbridge today. We don’t live near a pond or river.

    • Saw at least 5 of those mini frogs in my lawn while cutting the grass this evening. Ashtown Dublin 15

  • We have hundreds of tadpoles in our pond Rathfarnham Dublin .

  • Lorraine smith

    Neighbour has a small pond so every year we see a couple of frogs , this year there are loads. Counted 12 on our smallish patio and many more in the garden.there is frogspawn on the patio,in water filled plant pots etc. we are in dublin 14

  • Brendan sheppard

    Saw 2 frogs in garden last night, Clontarf.

  • sylvia healy

    Hi, we saw a common frog in Sandymount in Dublin this morning on the footpath.

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