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White-tailed eagle found dead in Co. Fermanagh

White Tailed Eagle Dead Fermanagh
White-tailed eagle Ingar’s satellite tracking device and wing tags on the banks of Lough Erne (Photo Credit PSNI Fermanagh)

The body of a white-tailed eagle was recovered by PSNI officers from the Newbridge Road area of Lisnaskea in Co. Fermanagh on Saturday 07 February.

Commenting on the PSNI Fermanagh post on Facebook, Dr Alan Mee, coordinator of the white-tailed eagle reintroduction project for the Golden Eagle Trust said:

Sad end to a beautiful bird. This white-tailed eagle was almost 4 years old and spent most of 2014 on Upper & Lower Lough Erne. He was named Ingar (Norwegian name) and was released in Killarney National Park, Co Kerry, in 2014 as part of the reintroduction programme for the species managed by the Golden Eagle Trust. Given a chance he would have nested on one of the many islands on Lough Erne.


The PSNI is currently conducting an investigation to establish the circumstances surrounding the eagle’s death, and is calling on anyone with information to contact them by dialling 101 and quoting reference 6467215.


  • Frances

    Hi! We are having trouble identifying raptors that have been breeding in a small area of steep woodland below our garden, and would like some help! The first sighting was of two young birds, side by side on a horizontal branch in this woodland area. They were very upright, and their long yellow legs were very noticeable. We heard, and caught glimpses of the bird I assumed to be the mother, and also saw her on the ground, close to garden, under the trees, but couldn’t get a really good look.. We did see feathers, from a wood pigeon I think, scattered on the ground there, but of course, don’t know if this bird was responsible. Later we saw one of the young birds perched on a low stone wall right under our bird feeders, only about twenty feet from the house. Our last sighting was when one flew at speed between our car and a small roof covering the area between the house and the garage. This was the best look we had at its wings, which were very solid, and pointed, no separated primaries visible at all. The young birds were a solid mid to dark brown on their backs, and speckled or barred on their chests. Size wise, I would say larger than a rook, but not by much. We heard almost constant calling during this period (early summer), but am not sure whether these birds were responsible. I have looked for an ID, but always something seems not to fit, It was so exciting to see the young birds, and realise that they were comfortable breeding so close to a garden. They seemed very unafraid of being close to our house. We have not seen them for about three months now. We have also seen a couple of buzzards hunting across a nearby field, not sure how they would all get along! We are in the countryside in County Cork, about 15 km from the coast. With very many thanks! F.

    • A

      Thanks for taking the time to comment Frances. It’s very hard to say based on the description what the birds where. If you had/could get a photo that would help — you could email [email protected] if you have images and I’d be happy to take a look.

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